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Death Stranding Review

Death Stranding is a beautiful, original and above all intriguing game. It is a game in which you hardly have to do more than transport cargo and watch cutscenes. Carrying stuff, from one inhospitable place to another, through wind and weather and through untouched nature. However, that premise is coupled in a beautiful way with an interesting story.


Finding a route through untouched nature is just as adventurous as in real life, and the same goes for playing with the weight on your back. In addition to that practical side, there is tension and suspense. There is actually always a threat from robbers and the mysterious, but deadly BT’s.

In addition, the game has a nice form of multiplayer in which players work together almost unnoticed. The multiplayer aspect makes it also a fun game for people who like collecting and building. You are able to build highways, bridges, charging station for your vehicles and all kind of different but very useful structures

The motion capture of the many well-known actors is the strongest side of the game. There is not a lot of action in Death Stranding, but it is certainly exciting, although the game requires the necessary patience from the player. We are therefore happy to forgive the developers that some of the menu’s could have been worked out a bit better.

Death Stranding is a game that may be monotonous, but has a amazing atmosphere. The power therefore lies in the story, which sometimes takes a while to arrive. You have to bite the bullet at certain points to enjoy this game.

That concludes our review of Death Stranding. Thank you for supporting us by reading this guide! If you made it this far consider following us on our social media channels. If you are looking for more guides on Death Stranding, go here. Happy Playing!

Our Summary

Death Stranding Review

Death Stranding is a beautiful, original and above all intriguing game. It is a game in which you hardly have to do more than transport cargo and watch cutscenes.

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