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Cinematic Trailer for Hogwarts Legacy Showing Off The Great Hall

The release of Hogwarts Legacy is just a couple of weeks away. The marketing for the game has really been ramped up. This new cinematic trailer for Hogwarts Legacy showing off The Great Hall, The Forbidden Forest and what lies beyond is surely making us feel closer to the release of the game!

Hogwarts Legacy is a open-world action RPG game. Releasing on February 10th 2023 on PC, Playstation 5, Xbox Series X/S. With a later release on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One on April 4, 2023. The Nintendo Switch release is on July 25, 2023.


The Owl from the trailer in The Owlery

The beginning of the trailer is showing off the Owlery. The Owlery is one of the places on the map in Hogwarts Legacy. Earlier this year the Owlery was briefly shown during the last gameplay showcase. One of the owls is being send on a mission with a letter attached to one of it’s legs, which is later revealed to be a Hogwarts acceptance letter being delivered in London. It shows that even a seamingly simple mail delivery can be a dangerous adventure for a owl around Hogwarts.

The Owlery shown in the last Hogwarts Legacy gameplay showcase

The Great Hall & The Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom


The cinematic trailer for Hogwarts Legacy showing off The Great Hall with just a quick glimpse. Floating candles in the sky. Students are practicing their magic spells. And Nearly Headless Nick almost losing his head with the owl flying their him! The owl is flying through the room where The Defense Against The Dark Arts is being tought where Professor Decat and Professor Weasley are trying to calm down a group of students, Professor Weasley saying: “Please, we don’t know what kind of magic caused this”. This gives a little hint that there might be some trouble coming to Hogwarts!

The Great Hall
The Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom

The Forbidden Forest & a Dragon?

The owl soars into the Forbidden Forest, where students are involved in a battle with enormous spiders. A wizard in a disguise tries to Avada Kedavra the bird outside the forest. The owl faces other terrifying dangers as well; a dragon is in battle with three students and tries to roast the owl on it’s way to complete his task.

The Forbidden Forest
A dragon


The final clips on the trailer show the owl delivering their mail to somebody standing in the centre of London. This person representing you, the new player coming to Hogwarts!

The Hogwarts acceptance letter being delivered in the centre of London

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