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Developers Tease Next Chapter for The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Global Reveal for 2024 is this week and with it comes hints, teases, and speculation from the developers and the community.

2024 Global Reveal Next Chapter for The Elder Scrolls Online

Tune into the Bethesda Twitch channel on Thursday, January 18th at 1PM PST/4PM EST to learn about the future of The Elder Scrolls Online. Watching the livestream will earn you in game rewards and more! The reveal livestream is going to show the adventurers of Tamriel what is coming to The Elder Scrolls Online in 2024. There has been a lot of speculation on what is coming or what features will be added to the game this year. Some of these were fueled by teases and leaks from the developers over at Zenimax Online Studios.

Teases, Leaks, and Speculations

There is a lot of speculation going around the community on what is coming this year to The Elder Scrolls Online. Fueling the speculation were teases from the developers and other possible leaks going around. A few weeks ago popular ESO content creators started receiving a cryptic letter as well as decorative shards of glass. Putting together the individual pieces of glass from the various creators revealed yet another clue/tease from the developers. The letter reads:


Gather your allies and head for the southwest coast. I’m investigating a band of my kin that has abandoned the Pact and i require your assistance. They’re well- armed and clearly dangerous, so be careful.
From what i could discern of their plans, is has something to do with the fragment included with this letter. Examine it closely and report your findings back to me personally in Grahtwood. Perhaps we can solve this puzzle together.
Don’t allow any would-be emperors or Saliache ruins to delay you. And don’t tell my sister. She’s perfectly capable of finding trouble withour your help”
– Beragon

Along with the letter were shards of glass creating a round image of speculations. Putting these shards of glass together revealed hints of what is possibly coming to ESO. I will link the response from UESP regarding the possible hints revealed in the glass.

Spell Crafting

And what does the community believe is coming as far as feature changes to The Elder Scrolls Online? Spell Crafting! Since the launch of the game back in 2014 there has been talks about spell crafting. There have even been leaks showing possible early in game UI of the feature many years ago. Many huge creators as well as us here at Guides 4 Gaming believe spell crafting is in fact coming to ESO in 2024. There have been unconfirmed leaks as well as the hints provided by the developers that strongly indicate this feature is coming. The community has been excited for this for some time now it will be interesting to see the reaction if spell crafting gets announced or not. Be sure to check back here for all the information on spell crafting if it does get announced.

Reward For Watching ( Pyromancer’s Quandary Emote)

Tuning into the reveal livestream on January 18th will also get you in game rewards for watching. The Pyromancer’s Quandary Emote is available to all ESO players simply for watching the stream with your linked account. Linking your twitch account to your Elder Scrolls Online account and watching the stream will automatically earn the emote. You can learn more about linking your twitch account to your Elder Scrolls Online by following this official guide from The Elder Scrolls Online.

Will you be watching the ESO 2024 reveal event? Let us know in our social media channels! You can read more ESO articles as well as guides and builds here. And lastly catch all the newest gaming news and articles here. Happy Gaming!

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