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ESO Developers Rethink Update 35 Changes

ESO Developers Rethink Update 35 Changes

Following outrage from the community after the release of Update 34 High Isle, The Elder Scrolls Online’s development team at Zenimax Online Studios found themselves in hot water once again. Stemming from a article written by Combat Developer ZOS_Gilliam (Gilliam the Rogue.) Shortly after the PTS dropped for Update 35 Lost Depths DLC along with the patch notes. These notes angered a large portion of the community from the casual weekend warrior to the end game nightly DLC raid runner.

The changes were designed to lower the ceiling between casual and hard core gamers but did not achieve that goal. The Developers knew they have missed the mark and are currently working on reverting the changes. Earlier this week we were teased that the changes to dots and hots will be reverting to close to how the live server is now. And now today in a forum post written by Community Manager Gina Bruno they are further reverting these changes even more.

Update 35 is not off to a great start but I hope the developers and the community are able to find a compromise and solution before launch. I understand the reason behind the changes, making the game more assessable for players, but ZOS clearly missed the mark. I trust the game will thrive and everything will be fine come launch day of Lost Depths.

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