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Classes and Professors in Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy you will be attending different classes and coming across different professors to advance your magical skills! With 12 different classes like Defence Against The Dark Arts, Charms and Potions you will have enough to do during your days at Hogwarts. Each class will offer knowledge and experience, and there are a lot of them in Hogwarts Legacy. But don’t worry those won’t be boring and long courses you know from your experience at school. Instead in the game, Hogwarts Professors will teach about the magical world around you.


The Charms class will be taught by Abraham Ronen, jovial and lighthearted with a perpetual twinkle in his eye, Professor Ronen considers his students’ friendships and extracurricular activities to be just as important as the subject of Charms itself. In response to having been tutored by a rather austere father before and during his years at Hogwarts, he developed a passion for games of all forms – particularly Gobstones. (He allegedly met his wife during an especially lively Gobstones tournament.) To the delight of most of his students, his unorthodox teaching style often incorporates gameplay.

Classes and Professors in Hogwarts Legacy – Charms

Magical Theory

Eleazar Fig will be in charge of this class. He left behind his aspirations of working for the Ministry of Magic to follow his wife, Miriam, around the world as she researched the seeming disappearance of ancient magic. Fig eventually grew weary of this quest and left her to continue on her own. While he took on the job of Magical Theory professor at Hogwarts. When Miriam was killed during her travels, Fig felt responsible because he was not there, a guilt that haunts him to this day. He is determined to understand why and how she died and to finish her work. Fig is a kind, knowledgeable professor and will be one of the player’s greatest allies during their time at Hogwarts – with respect to the trials they will face both inside and outside the castle walls.

History of Magic


The teacher of History of Magic will be Cuthbert Binns. He’s already a known character in different Harry Potter games like The Magic Awakening and Hogwarts Mystery. He will be a ghost teacher, lore says he taught until a very old age, when he fell asleep in the staff room and died in slumber. Afterwards, he became a ghost who continued to teach, droning on about various Goblin Rebellions and giant wars to bored, sleeping students.

Defence Against the Dark Arts

Dinah Hecat, the stern but likeable Professor Hecat takes her teaching responsibilities quite seriously. After a successful career with the Ministry of Magic – during which she is rumoured to have spend time in the Department of Mysteries – she retired to become Hogwarts’ Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.  Though she is happy to be at Hogwarts, some believe her hands-on teaching method satiates an innate desire of action.


Potion will be taught by Aesop Sharp. Professor Sharp who had a successful career as an Auror until an injury forced him from the field. Not wanting to push parchment around a desk at the Ministry, Sharp decided his time would be better spend sharing his extensive experience involving battle-worthy draughts and elixirs with the students at Hogwarts. Not easily impressed, he takes genuine pride in students who excel in his class despite his challenging curriculum.

Classes and Professors in Hogwarts Legacy – Potions


Professor Mirabel Garlick. London-born Professor Garlick grew up in a household full of Muggles. She didn’t feel at home until she was a student at Hogwarts. At Hogwarts she discovered her extraordinary affinity for magical plants. Her sunny demeanour and flowery language charm colleagues and students alike, prompting some students to worry she may one day leave them for another greenhouse. But Mirabel Garlick would never leave her students. So, even if the right witch were to come along, she’d simply have to love Hogwarts as much as Mirabel does.

Care of Magical Creatures / Beasts

As stated in the artbook made for Hogwarts Legacy, Professor Bai Howin will be teaching about beasts. Bai Howin has a respect for beasts, but sees them for what they are: useful to wizardkind. An encounter in her youth with an Occamy left her in awe of beasts, and she loathes poachers who would waste them for Galleons. In her mind, beasts are to be valued for what they can provide for wizardkind protective clothing, potion ingredients, and even wand cores. It is her mission to ensure that the next generation of witches and wizards understands this.

while not confirmed, the name Ernesto Jags was shown on one of the games initial concept art. There was a small animal pen on the grounds of Hogwarts, beside the Black Lake, with a small equipment store marked “Professor Ernesto Jags Veterinary Supplies”.

Classes and Professors in Hogwarts Legacy – Headmasters


The Headmaster of Hogwarts is Phineas Nigellus Black (Voiced by Simon Pegg). Phineas Nigellus Black, who to this day remains the least popular headmaster Hogwarts has ever known, makes little effort to hide the utter distain he has for his students. He is a cantankerous, lazy and vain pure-blood with a myopic view of the world and a condescending and unjustifiably superior attitude. Wildly ill-suited to his job, his goal is to do the least amount of work possible and avoid exposure to the student body. He prefers to focus on his status in the wizarding world and his surgically manicured beard.


Professor Mathilda Weasley (Voiced by Lesley Nicol), will be your Transfiguration Professor, she is an exceptionally talented witch with a background as a cursebreaker for the Ministry – known for her composure and extraordinary wandwork. She is a firm but fair Transfiguration Professor and slightly intimidating, well-respected Deputy Headmistress. Professor Weasley has been tasked with getting the player up to speed in their studies and introduces them to their Wizard’s Field Guide and the Room of Requirement – both of which are invaluable resources for a new fifth-year with a great deal to learn.

Flying / Broomriding

Madam Kogawa attended school at Mahoutokoro. She eventually worked for the Japanese Ministry of Magic. She met Professor Weasley and was recruited to join Hogwarts. Madam Kogawa is the sort of person who doesn’t realize that her talking voice has the volume of a yell, as she’s normalized projecting her voice across the Quidditch pitch. Thought to be generally affable, Madam Kogawa becomes another person entirely when it comes to flying and when disciplining students. A bad experience in her try-outs for the Toyohashi Tengu taught her a valuable lesson about honor and trust. Both of which she values highly. Now, any foul sportsmanship on a student’s part—blatching, blurting, bumphing, Quaffle-pocking will have them banned from the pitch quicker than you can say “Quidditch.”


Professor Satyavati Shah (Voiced by Sohm Kapila). After being raised largely in the Muggle world, Satyavati Shah took an interest in the sciences. After graduating, she eventually took up a position as Professor of Astronomy. She devotes herself to her subject in a way that most would find monastic and extreme. Like her scientific subject: she can come off to her pupils as a bit cold and demanding. She is easly carried away when talking about the heavens and views many of the other Hogwarts disciplines (like Divination) as wishy-washy.


Professor Mudiwa Onai (Voiced by Kandice Caine) taught Divination at Uagadou for a period of time. Before being invited by her friend Matilda Weasley to teach at Hogwarts. In an effort to leave tragic memories behind, specifically the murder of her husband, she accepted. Onai is an Animagus {an African fish eagle) but has refused to transiorm since her husband was murdered. She is strict and has high expectations of her students and her daughter, Natsai. While she is quite skilled with a wand, like her daughter she prefers to conjure magic with her bare hands. Professor Onai is a commanding presence in any room she enters and demands respect from all with whom she interacts.

Study of ancient runes

(coming soon)


(coming soon)

Muggle Studies

(coming soon)

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