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Death Stranding Quest Guide: Order 5 Rare Metal Delivery

Order 5 Walkthrough

Order NumberStarting PointObjectiveDestinationRewards
5: Rare Metal DeliveryWaystation West of Capital Knot CityDeliver Rare MetalsDistribution Center West of Capital Knot City– Distribution Center added to the Chiral Network
– Mail and Data features added to cufflinks
– Recycle option added at delivery terminals

Recommended Items:

Ladder 2x – You might run into deeper waters here than you did with the 3rd Order, so it would be best to have some ladders to help you over.

Recommended Path:


It’s time to start traveling south from the Waystation West of Capital Knot and link the Distribution Center West of Capital Knot City to the Chiral Network.

As directed above, travel southwest along the river’s north bank. You’re going to eventually have your first run-in with MULES. These scumbags only assault you if you have anything to steal on you because they are wanting your deliveries. Just keep moving along the bank while avoiding them for the time being. You can still fight them with just your fists, but it’s probably best to protect your goods.

When you reach the mountain range and a timefall starts, a cutscene should start. Once this occurs, use a ladder to cross the river if you can, then move southward until the odradek arm scanner stretches and neighboring BT’s activate your BB unit. From here, move silently and covertly through the BTs to the Distribution Center, you might want to use our guide on How To Avoid Getting Caught By BT’s.

A brief cutscene describing how the BB unit has been so stressed that its functions have been suspended will start playing after you get through the BT’s. But don’t worry, the Distribution Center is nearby, and they can fix it there. Deliver those rare metals and continue on your trip!

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