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How to Level Legerdemain in ESO

How to Level Legerdemain in ESO

Legerdemain in The Elder Scrolls Online is a skill line introduced during Update 6 with the Justice System. It allows players to rob and steal items from npc’s, nodes, and chests in the game to exchange for gold and Legerdemain experience. Leveling Legerdemain does not really grant many perks except one that every stealth class should take note of. At Legerdemain rank 16 the passive “Improved Hiding” is fully maxed out reducing the stamina cost of sneaking by 40%! The rest of the passives are mostly just used to level Legerdemain faster which we will go over later in this guide. Here is the fastest way to level your Legerdemain Skill daily.

Getting Started

Other than from picking locks all day, which would take way too long, the best and most efficient way to level Legerdemain is selling and laundering stolen items to Fences at Outlaw Refuges. Although it is much faster then picking locks, you are limited to the amount of items you can sell per day making this part of you daily tasks to fully level the skill. If you follow this guide you should be able to get this done in less than 5 minutes per day per character. So lets get started.

Belkarth in Craglorn

How to Level Legerdemain in ESO Craglorn
How to Level Legerdemain in ESO Belkarth

The best location to quickly farm Legerdemain Experience is in Craglorn in the town of Belkarth. In the Southeast of town you will find a loop where there are baskets of apples, barrels, crates, and other things you can steal. See the image above for the location. Go around this area stealing as many items as you can. But watch out for the wandering Guard or Farm keeper.

How to Level Legerdemain in ESO Spot1
How to Level Legerdemain in ESO Spot 2
How to Level Legerdemain in ESO Spot 3

Selling the Goods


Once you run out of things to loot in the area make your way to the Outlaw Refuge. Located next to the farming circle you just looted. Make your way inside and find a Fence. You can sell to either Fence Roshinia, or J’zuraar it does not matter. Sell or launder all your stolen items until you reach your daily limit. If you sell your items and still are able to sell more simple go back outside and steal in the same circle as before. All of the loot will respawn upon entering the Outlaw Refuge Camp. Repeat this cycle until you run out of daily sells with the Fence.

Maximize Experience Over Time

As you level up your Legerdemain skill line you will unlock passives that will allow you to sell more items to the Fence. The “Trafficker” passive will increase the amount of interactions each day by up to 180% at Rank 18 and 160% at rank 13. Keeping up with this passive will allow you to sell more items and obtain more experience.

  • Rank 1: 110 items
  • Rank 2: 120 items
  • Rank 3: 130 items
  • Rank 4: 140 items


That is it for this guide. This is how I have leveled all of my characters Legerdemain skill and it works very well for me. Keep in mind, using this method you are limited to the amount of interactions per day with the Fence. Therefore this method works best if you are looking to level the skill but not spend too much time every day working on it. With that being said, I do believe this is the best way to level the skill line.

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