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Death Stranding Quest Guide: Order 7 Recovery: Chiral Printer Interface

Order 7 Walkthrough

Order NumberStarting PointObjectiveDestinationRewards
7: Recovery – Chiral Printer InterfaceDistribution Center West of Capital Knot CityRecover the Chiral Printer Interface from the MULES South of the Distribution CenterDistribution Center West of Capital Knot City– Design Data: Bridges Boots (Lv. 1)
– PCC Option: Bridge
– Chiral Crystals usable at all UCA-facilities

Recommended Items:

Ladder x1 – You just need to pack one ladder if you go the suggested route outlined below, and you’ll need the additional room because other than the Chiral Printer Interface you can take home some great goodies home with you while stealing back from the MULE camp. Anything that you don’t absolutely need for this one, get rid of.

Recommended Path:

Recover the Chiral Printer Interface from the MULES South of the Distribution Center



Leave the distribution center and turn around to the left side. A sizable hillside and a river trail should be visible to your left and right, respectively. Continue climbing the mountain until you reach a steep cliff. To climb the cliff, use your ladder if another player hasn’t already set one up.

The MULES sensor node should be found by moving forward a short distance. They’ll probably become aware of your presence as you go closer, but don’t worry; they’re not too difficult to knock out. Three of them keep watch over this camp. If possible, use your odradek scanner to locate them so you can eliminate them stealthily. If you are discovered, however, use the attack button square (Playstation) or press V (PC) to knock them all out.

You’re can search theirthe MULE camps’ nearby postbox once all three of them are unconscious. Along with the Chiral Network Interface, it also contains a substantial quantity of Metals and certain Resins, as well as some lost cargo that can be returned. You should be able to carry the majority of this out of camp, return along the way you came from to the Distribution Center and finish the quest.

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