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ESO Beginner Tank Build All Classes


Tanking in The Elder Scrolls Online can be different than other MMOs or games you are used to playing in the past. A Tanks responsibility, on top of holding taunt and crowd control, is debuffing the enemy as much as possible. Reducing a bosses armor and buffing your group while balancing resources is the trifecta of ESO Tanking. Here is our ESO Beginner Tank Build All Classes.

All Classes

This build guide is designed for new to mid level tanks to get through all Vet Non DLC Dungeons and all trials on normal. The hope is that this build is the stepping stone needed to farm the end game gear required to do top end content in the future of your ESO career. All sets used are craftable making this build an option your first day in Tamriel. Although this guide is for all classes over time as you get more comfortable with the content you may find yourself making slight changes to better suit your own playstyle, this is very much encouraged.

Table of Contents

Character Information

64 Health




HeadArmor of the SeducerHeavySturdyMagicka
ShoulderArmor of the SeducerHeavySturdyStamina
ChestNoble’s ConquestHeavySturdyHealth
HandsNoble’s ConquestLightSturdyStamina
WaistNoble’s ConquestHeavySturdyStamina
LegsNoble’s ConquestHeavySturdyStamina
FeetNoble’s ConquestMediumSturdyMagicka
NecklaceTorug’s PactJewelryRobustMagicka Recovery
RingTorug’s PactJewelryRobustMagicka Recovery
RingTorug’s PactJewelryRobustMagicka Recovery
Main HandTorug’s PactAny 1 HandChargedPoison
Off HandTorug’s PactShieldSturdyHealth
Main BackupTorug’s PactIce StaffInfusedCrushing
ESO Beginner Tank Build All Classes

Gear information

As mentioned earlier, tanking in ESO centers around debuffing your target and buffing your group. Tourg’s Pact is a incredibly strong set that if used with the correct weapon enchant, Crushing, can apply a major debuff on your enemies. This set is even used all the way up to end game content. Another strong set, Noble’s Conquest, is designed to increase your group damage by giving your target minor vulnerability. It is important to bash the target once every 10 seconds to keep this buff active. All the sets used on this guide are craftable making it possible to run them without having to farm any gear at all. Once you are able to farm monster sets and other end game tank gear it is encouraged to run those instead.



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Buffs: Hardened Armor, Aggressive Horn, Heroic Slash, Elemental Blockade, Fragmented Shield (heal buff)

Taunts: Pierce Armor (melee), Inner Rage (range)

Heals: Resolving Vigor, Green Dragon Blood

AOE: Unrelenting Grip, Choking Talons, Elemental Blockade


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Buffs: Restoring Focus, Aggressive Horn, Heroic Slash, Elemental Blockade

Taunts: Pierce Armor (melee), Inner Rage (range)

Heals: Resolving Vigor, Breath of Life, Living Dark, Repentance

AOE: Silver Leash, Elemental Blockade


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Buffs: Ice Fortress, Blue Betty, Aggressive Horn, Heroic Slash, Elemental Blockade

Taunts: Pierce Armor (melee), Inner Rage (range)

Heals: Resolving Vigor, Polar Wind, Healing Thicket

AOE: Frozen Device, Gripping Shards, Elemental Blockade


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Buffs: Mirage, Leeching Strikes, Aggressive Horn, Heroic Slash, Elemental Blockade

Taunts: Pierce Armor (melee), Inner Rage (range)

Heals: Resolving Vigor, Healthy Offering

AOE: Silver Leash, Mass Hysteria, Elemental Blockade



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Buffs: Boundless Storm, Summon Unstable Clannfear, Aggressive Horn, Heroic Slash, Elemental Blockade

Taunts: Pierce Armor (melee), Inner Rage (range)

Heals: Resolving Vigor, Summon Unstable Clannfear

AOE: Silver Leash, Restraining Prison, Elemental Blockade, Summon Unstable Clannfear


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Buffs: Beckoning Armor, Mortal Coil, Heroic Slash, Aggressive Horn, Deaden Pain, Elemental Blockade

Taunts: Pierce Armor (melee), Inner Rage (range)

Heals: Resolving Vigor, Spirit Guardian, Mortal Coil, Ravenous Goliath

AOE: Silver Leash, Elemental Blockade


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Buffs: Unbreakable Fate, Heroic Slash, Runeguard of Freedom, Zenas’ Empowering Disc

Taunts: Pierce Armor (melee), Inner Rage (range)

Heals: Resolving Vigor, Impervious Runeward

AOE: Silver Leash, Elemental Blockade

Champion Points

Champion points tend to change depending on the content being ran. These are a great foundation to base your build off of until you learn the changes that are optimal for each dungeon or trial. With that being said the changes are minimal and wont break the build.


  • Bulwark
  • Duelist’s Rebuff
  • Enlivening Overflow
  • Ironclad


  • Bracing Anchor
  • Fortified
  • Rejuvenation
  • Sustained by Suffering


  • Steed’s Blessing
  • Rationer
  • Liquid Efficiency
  • Treasure Hunter

Additional Information

These are some final notes about the build that I really want to emphasize or go over again.

  • The weapon enchants are very important on this build (infused crushing on backbar)
  • Heavy attack often on the front bar to restore stamina
  • Light attack weave on the back bar to ensure enchant proc
  • We wear 5 heavy 1 medium 1 light for max undaunted bonus
  • Tanking is about balance so adjust armor and jewelry enchants to your playstyle after testing
  • Remember to bash every 10 seconds to keep Noble Conquest set up


(video guide coming soon!)

Thank You

ESO Beginner Tank Build All Classes

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