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ESO Necromancer Bomber PVP Build


The Necromancer is one of the newer classes introduced in The Elder Scrolls Online. The Necromancer has been known as one of the stronger classes of the game. A necro bomber takes advantage of high damage and opportunity to achieve some great moments and clutch bombs in the game. A lot of players will say playing a necro bomber is their favorite way to play ESO PVP. So without further ado here is our ESO Necromancer Bomber PVP Build:

ESO Necromancer Bomber PvP Build


Race: Khajiit (best choice)
Food: Bewitched Sugar Skulls (Best in slot food but very expensive, use Jewels of Misrule if gold is a problem the difference is small)
Mundus Stone: The Lover (increase penetration)
Vampire: Rank 3 for most damage
Consumables: Essence of Weapon Power, Essence of Immovability, Tri-Stat Potions, Damage Poisons
Attributes: 62 Magicka, 1 Health, 1 Stamina


The best in slot options for this build would be considered “meta” and it is advised to try and stay to the best option as best as possible. We are balancing the sets with the most damage you can obtain on the front bar while using a tanky or buffing back bar.


Gear Information:

  • Armor in 5 Impenetrable 2 Reinforced
  • We wear 4 light armor pieces
  • We wear 2 heavy armor piece on head
  • We wear 1 medium armor piece on our shoulder
  • Front bar weapons in Nirnhoned and Sharpened trait to to buff damage
  • Back Bar weapon in Defending and Sturdy
  • Three Infused Jewelry Traits
  • All tri-stat armor glyphs
  • The higher the quality gear the more damage you can deal
Set OptionsBest Option2nd Option3rd Option
Monster Set x2BalorghSlimecraw
Mythic ItemMarkynTorc of TonalDeath Dealer’s Fete
Damage Set x5
(Both Bars)
Vicious DeathPlaguebreak
Damage Set x5
(Both Bars)
Dark Convergence
One Piece x1Armor of the TraineeDruid’s Braid

Gear Weights and Traits

ChestArmor of the TraineeHeavyReinforcedTri-Enchant
HandsDark ConvergenceLightImpenetrableTri-Enchant
WaistDark ConvergenceLightImpenetrableTri-Enchant
LegsVicious DeathLightImpenetrableTri-Enchant
FeetDark ConvergenceLightImpenetrableTri-Enchant
NecklaceVicious DeathJewelryInfusedWeapon Damage
RingVicious DeathJewelryInfusedWeapon Damage
RingMarkynJewelryInfusedWeapon Damage
Main HandVicious Death1h MaceNirnhonedShock Damage
Off HandVicious Death1h MaceSharpenedPoison
Main BackupDark Convergence1h WeaponDefendingWeapon Damage
Off BackupDark ConvergenceShieldSturdyStamina


Front Bar

ESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill icon

Front Bar: Whirling Blades, Blighted Blastbones, Avid Boneyard, Mystic Siphon, Camouflaged Hunter, Dawnbreaker of Smiting

Back Bar

ESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill icon

Back Bar: Resistant Flesh, Deaden Pain, Proximity Detonation, Summoner’s Armor, Race Against Time, Pestilent Colossus


(rotation is very important for this build, it can seem tricky at first but over a short time become easier and more second nature)

Buff Rotation: First we buff up before the fight. Begin on the back bar and cast Summoner’s Armor, it gives our resistance buff. Deaden Pain and Resistant Flesh for our protection and heals. Then to begin our damage buffs with Race Against Time and lastly Proximity Detonation. Move to damage rotation before swapping bars.

Damage Rotation: Before swapping bars the fight has already started and we are fully buffed and targets are chosen. Cast Pestilent Colossus to pull in the targets close. This is also our main damage ultimate. After casting colossus swap bars quickly (this is a one second motion so be fast) begin follow up damage rotation on our front bar. Blighted Blastbones and Whirling Blades to finish the fight.

Healing: Our only heals come from our buffs Resistant Flesh and Deaden Pain.

(rotations fully explained in build video)

Champion Points

Because everyone who is viewing this guide is at a different Champion Point level I will only be putting up the champion points I chose at the level I was at the time of making this guide, which is around 1075. Remember that Champion Point soft cap is around 1800 but you can easily achieve high value kills with low cp.

  • Occult Overload – 50 (slot)
  • Biting Aura – 50 (slot)
  • Master-at-Arms – 50 (slot)
  • Fighting Finesse – 50 (slot)
  • Tireless Discipline – 20
  • Piercing – 20
  • Precision – 20
  • Quick Recovery – 20
  • Elemental Aegis – 20
  • Hardy – 20
  • Blessed – 20
  • Eldritch Insight – 20
  • Battle Mastery – 40
  • Mighty – 30
  • Preparation – 20
  • Slippery – 50 (slot)
  • Pain’s Refuge – 50 (slot)
  • Relentlessness – 50 (slot)
  • Celerity – 50 (slot)
  • Tumbling – 30
  • Mystic Tenacity – 10
  • Hero’s Vigor – 20
  • Hasty – 16
  • Defiance – 20
  • Tireless Guardian – 20
  • Fortification – 30
  • Sprinter – 20
  • Nimble Protector – 6
  • Savage Defense – 30
  • Bashing Brutality – 20
  • Piercing Gaze – 30
  • Liquid Efficiency – 75 (slot)
  • Steed’s Blessing – 50 (slot)
  • Treasure Hunter – 50 (slot)
  • Rationer – 30 (slot)
  • Breakfall – 50
  • Wanderer – 15
  • Steadfast Enchantment – 50
  • Fortune’s Favor – 50
  • Gilded Fingers – 50
  • Soul Reservoir – 33

Additional Information

  • Stay defensive with your group then explode with great damage
  • Dark Convergence is on your back bar and is proc’ed by your back bar damage ultimate Pestilent Colossus. Cast the ultimate and swap to front bar as fast as possible


(video guide coming soon!)

Thank You

We hope you find this necromancer bomber pvp build useful. Let us know how you like it on our socials! You can check out other ESO Builds, guides and news all in one place by clicking here. Also you can check out all other gaming news and guides here. Happy gaming!

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