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ESO Ranged One Bar Nightblade Ganker (no proc)


Ganking in The Elder Scrolls Online can be considered a very controversial style of PvP gameplay. While I quite enjoy the playstyle for its potential to turn the tide of war by eliminating high value targets. I very much understand others negative opinion on ganking for their multiple different reasons. With that being said, this build guide is my attempt at the hardest hitting non-proc set ranged gank build that will still be viable for the next few patches with little adjustment.

Bow Nightblade

The reason we chose the Nightblade for this guide is because of its accessibility to all players, it’s ability to do massive burst damage, mobility, and stealth built into the class. The bow allows massive ranged damage potential allowing us distance from our target. Feel free to use the quick links below to jump to different parts of the guide or follow in its entirety from beginning to end. This guide should have all the information needed to be able to get some of the hardest hitting ranged ganks in ESO.

ESO Ranged One Bar Nightblade Ganker No Proc


Race: Khajiit (for more crit damage) or Dunmer/Dark Elf (for more weapon damage)
Food: Candied Jester’s Coin, max stamina for more damage and magicka recovery for cloak and buffing.
Mundus Stone: The Shadow (increase critical damage and healing by 11% full divines is 17%)
Vampire Stage: Vampire Stage 3 or 2 for the most additional damage
Consumables: Damage Poisons, Essence of Detection, Essence of Invisibility, Tri-Stat Potions
Attributes: 64 Stamina, 0 Health, 0 Magicka



The gear that we use for this build is important and a different set up than most current meta gank builds this patch. This is due to the fact that it does not use any proc sets for free damage. We are able to utilize the overpowered Oakensoul Ring while stacking damage with Swamp Raider and Red Eagle’s Fury. All of this gives us massive single target damage and great ranged gank potential.

Gear Information:

  • All armor in ‘Divines’ trait for max damage potential
  • 7 medium armor pieces for max damage potential
  • Weapons in ‘Sharpened’ trait to help gank the high armor players
  • Jewelry in ‘Infused’ trait with weapon damage glyphs
  • Bow is the weapon of choice with Damage Poisons slotted
  • All stamina armor glyphs
  • The higher the quality gear the more damage you can deal
Best Option2nd Option3rd Option
Monster Set x1BalorghValkyn Skoria
Mythic Item x1Oakensoul Ring
Damage Set x5Red Eagle’s FuryNew Moon Acolyte
Damage Set x5Swamp Raider
ESO Ranged One Bar Nightblade Ganker (no proc)


Skill Bar

ESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill icon

Skill Bar: Lethal Arrow, Silver Bolts, Shadowy Disguise, Simmering Frenzy, Race Against Time, Incapacitating Strike


Buff Rotation: Being a one bar build the buff rotation is very simple. Simmering Frenzy until 5 of 5 fully buffed, into Race Against Time for minor force. This gives us a 12 second buff window for a gank.
Damage Rotation: After we decided to commit to a gank start by casting Shadowy Disguise for guaranteed critical chance on the first strike. This gives us only a 3 second window to cast the rest of the skills and open the gank so better be quick after casting. Open up with Lethal Arrow. Immediately after cast Light Attack right into another Lethal Arrow. Light Attack into Silver Bolts to finish the kill. If target is not dead spam Light Attack and Silver Bolts or reset. Incapacitating Strike can be used if you find yourself in melee range after the opening snipe combo.
(rotations fully explained in build video)

Champion Points

Because everyone who is viewing this guide is at a different Champion Point level I will only be putting up the champion points I chose at the level I was at the time of making this guide, which is 810. Remember that Champion Point soft cap is around 1800 but you can easily achieve high value ganks with low cp.

Warfare CP
  • 50 Backstabber (slot)
  • 50 Fighting Finesse (slot)
  • 50 Wrathful Strikes (slot)
  • 50 Deadly Aim (slot)
  • 20 Piercing
  • 20 Precision
  • 20 Eldritch Insight
Fitness CP
  • 50 Boundless Vitality (slot)
  • 50 Expert Evasion (slot)
  • 50 Bastion (slot)
  • 50 Survival Instincts (slot)
  • 20 Hero’s Vigor
  • 25 Tempered Soul
  • 30 Piercing Gaze
  • 30 Tumbling
  • 10 Mystic Tenacity
Craft CP
  • 50 Steed’s Blessing (slot)
  • 50 Sustaining Shadow (slot)
  • 40 Fleet Phantom
  • 50 Breakfall
  • 30 Out of Sight
  • 55 Wanderer

Additional Information

  • You WILL die. A lot. This build has no heal in the rotation at all so manage your health and know when to back out to reset
  • Success rate 100% depends on critical hits. Not all ganks will hit hard be ready to bail out after a fail
  • You deal more damage the further you are away from the target
  • TOM – Tamriel Online Messenger, is the best addon for saving hate whispers


ESO Ranged One Bar Nightblade Ganker (no proc)

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