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ESO Stamina Templar XP Farming Build


Grinding in The Elder Scrolls Online is one thing you will have to consider doing if you want to make it to end game content as a new player. New players will quickly learn that once you reach lvl 50 the grind has just begun. After you reach lvl 50 a player must then grind from Champion Level 10 to Champion Level 160 to reach gear cap. But it does not stop there. With the soft cap on Champion Points being 1800 you may decide to reach these levels quickly by experience farming/grinding. This build guild is designed to obtain as much experience as possible while grinding out Champion Points. The build works best when grinding a lot of mobs at once such as; nBRP, Skyreach, Spellscar, Zombies.

Stamina Templar

The reason we chose the stamina templar for this guide is because of its accessibility to all players, its great burst damage, quick mobility, and great resource sustain built in the class. Feel free to use the quick links below to jump to different parts of the guide or follow in its entirety from beginning to end. This guide should have all the information needed to be able to generate quick experience when farming.

Stamina Templar Grind Full Build


Race: Does not matter, however, the High Elf (Altmer) does receive an increase in experience by 1%
Food: Any Bi-stat or Tri-stat food is fine
Mundus Stone: The Steed for movement speed
Consumables: Any experience buff you are comfortable affording & any trash potions are fine
Attributes: 64 Stamina, 0 Health, 0 Magicka



The gear that we use for gaining champion points and grinding experience in this build is the most important part of everything. The Heartland Conqueror set is the single most important set when it comes to gaining xp. The 5 piece passive offering your training weapon trait a 100% boost. Our other main set Plaguebreak is key with killing ads quickly by utilizing the 5th piece passive causing all the enemies to explode.

Gear Information:

  • All armor in ‘Training’ trait for max xp gains
  • Weapons in ‘Training’ trait as well
  • We utilize 5/1/1 (5 medium, 1 heavy, 1 light) to level all armor types
  • Duel wield or 2 hand for front bar
  • Bow on the back bar for movement speed and aoe damage
  • All stamina glyphs
  • The higher the quality gear the more experience you can obtain
Best Option2nd Option3rd Option
Monster Set x2GrothdarrIceheartVelidreth
Experience Set x5Heartland Conqueror
Damage Set x5Plaguebreak Vicious SerpentNew Moon Acolyte


Front Bar

ESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill icon

Front Bar: Biting Jabs, Reverse Slice, Resolving Vigor, Toppling Charge, Camouflaged Hunter, Empowering Sweep

Back Bar

ESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill iconESO-Hub Skill icon

Back Bar: Restoring Focus, Repentance, Razor Caltrops, Race Against Time, Endless Hail, Solar Prison

Duel Wield: You an easily swap to duel wield instead of 2 hand by swapping out Reverse Slice for Whirling Blades
No ESO Plus: If you do no use ESO+ Charging Maneuver (rapids) can replace Race Against Time


Buff Rotation: Begin by bow light attacking all the mobs you want to group up. Casting Race Against Time will give us minor force for 12 seconds as well as a boost in movement speed. Repentance will restore stamina after killing mobs. Restoring Focus will restore stamina when standing in it. Resolving Vigor if you lose too much health.
Damage Rotation: First we place our DoTs, Endless Hail and Razor Caltrops. Close the gap if needed with Toppling Charge. Biting Jabs spam the mobs and cast ultimate Empowering Sweep whenever it comes up. Reverse Slice when enemies are below 30% health.

Champion Points

Because everyone who is viewing this guide is at a different Champion Point level I will only be putting up the champion points I chose at the level I was at the time of making this guide, which is 810. Remember that Champion Point soft cap is around 1800 and this guide can help you reach that and more.

Warfare CP
  • 50 Master at Arms (slot)
  • 50 Fighting Finesse (slot)
  • 50 Wrathful Strikes (slot)
  • 50 Occult Overload (slot)
  • 20 Piercing
  • 20 Precision
  • 10 Quick Recovery
  • 20 Tireless Discipline
  • 20 Preparation
Fitness CP
  • 50 Pain’s Refuge (slot)
  • 50 Celerity (slot)
  • 50 Sustained by Suffer (slot)
  • 50 Survival Instincts (slot)
  • 20 Sprinter
  • 16 Hasty
  • 20 Hero’s Vigor
  • 10 Mystic Tenacity
  • 30 Tumbling
Craft CP
  • 50 Steed’s Blessing (slot)
  • 50 Sustaining Shadow (slot)
  • 30 Rationer (slot)
  • 50 Steadfast Enchant
  • 50 Breakfall
  • 30 Out of Sight
  • Wanderer

Additional Information

  • The build works best when there are a lot of enemies stacked up tight for Plaguebreak explosions
  • Make sure to keep plenty of Soul Gems and Repair Kits in your inventory to maximize grind time by avoiding going to town for repairs
  • Keep plenty of experience buffs (ambrosia or exp scrolls) and food in your inventory as well to extend the amount of time spent grinding without having to leave.


(video guide coming soon!)

Thank You

We hope you find this Stamina Templar XP Farming build useful. Let us know how you like it on our socials! You can check out other ESO Builds, guides and news all in one place by clicking here. Also you can check out all other gaming news and guides here. Happy gaming!

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